
meet bob the biker II..

if you have heard the story of a rocker style of not getting into any relationship with girls, knows that it was all a lie... it was all because of bob, the big brother bob, the smokin biker!

but the story was never actually true... 'big bob was actually not being dump, the girl is a bad girl! he was actually getting a revenge and tries to get his right!' ..... this is what his friends says about him. they love him, they cared for him, he was a good rock n' roll man. his style may irritates some but his way was the best and an example for many. few people can be like him. 

there are some girls who hated him, but most love him. yeahh, he never really cared much about girls, but he never tries to play them around. he was a fool but he was not a loser to girls. 'poor bob, he must be really shock getting his first love being like that', they say.  

the stories goes on and on....they say a lot of things about bob, the good and the bad, it never end though many years had past by, the story start to fate on the memories and most rockers are labels as not seriously interested in getting a relationship with girls, and as the time goes by,   the version of the story started to sound like a rocker usually were been left out or dump by their girlfriend because of their rockin lifestyle.  as the statement goes, and people believe it as true, since actually bob did been left out by a girl....

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