
the old man

grow, get old, start to see how the world really was, then tell your story..
let the young free, let them burst their mind and soul,
but don't let them destroyed themselves..
show them how but don't limit them..
let them see your wrongs, but tell them why..
love them, cared for them, but don't judge them to much..
let them hate you but show them the light..
let them cry on love not on fears and hatred..

kill your heart and soul..
but let them live and survive..
maybe one day, they see it..
or maybe they don't..
but you have done your duty..
as a great rock n' roll man..

rockin till the end....



the angel..

they say rocker are useless when it comes to woman. those who are with them are either foolish or naive. most of them are only about having fun or just about enjoying their young life, partying and just wasting their life...

with those who didn't care much about being serious, about appreciating the life, but they are there, just to have fun.. and laugh while giving their share of themselves...

true rocker knows that it was only a distraction of lusts or disappointments, covering the feeling based on the needs of being love. yeah, the one thing that binds us  with other people, the one thing that the soul of a true rock n'roll desire... an angel of life... a real woman that's rock!!

someday that angel will be there standing,.. just by your side.. smiling to you with a smile that you will never forget, crying for you when you are in pain, sharing the good and the bad moment in you life..

but you must keep holding, you must be there when the time comes, you must be ready when she waits for you... you must keep rockin until the day, that you meet,... the rockin lady, the angel of life...

so hear me my fellow rockers, if you want someone that's gonna rock your world, you just have to keep searching, never stop trying or to stop hoping, and always living by the code of the true rock n' roll spirit...
it got soul in it man..yeahh!!

p/s : if you are a lady reading this, the one that you waiting for was not an angel but a beast... and girls are under age to read this, get a parent's advice!


the rocker love letter easy guide..

once a man asked a senior rocker in the community to help him write a love letter with a rock n' roll kind of style mood in it.

yeah, it was long ago, at that time computer were just weird and  people used letter to express their feeling to their love one...or telling someone that they are forced to get married with some rich man..but this is long ago.

at that time, when sending a love letter, they usually spray some sweet smell perfume to make the woman or man to go crazy and start having some silly dream.. but the senior rocker told him that a rock n' roll style was a bit 'special and advance'..they used a petrol oil... the reason is because petrol oil are much more expensive than a perfume.. and a rocker needed oil for their ride..plus smelling a petrol oil can make the affect much quicker...yeah.

second, writing to much. a rocker always believe that actions are louder than words.. showing love should be by doing things for their love one. saying to much will only shows that  a man is weak. so he should write only a few words... the reason is simple, woman will always need someone who always hears them.

and the third wisdom given by the great senior was the most important guide of writing a good rocker love letter... rather than writing phrases like ' i love you ' or ' i miss you' that is so common and boring, they used phrases like .. 'rockababeh!!' or ' buarghhh' because this shows that a man love the woman so much. expression is the key word here.

the senior rocker said, that if all the guideline of writing a love letter the rock n' roll style are followed, the woman will definitely fall in love in an instant and lost control of herself ...

so when the rocker did sent the love letter using the rock n' roll style to the woman, the reaction was really unbelievable!! the woman cried when she open and read it... maybe she did fall in love with the man............ or maybe she really thinks that it was a murderer warns about killing her... who knows..

so .... rockababeh?? ...yeah.


meet bob the biker II..

if you have heard the story of a rocker style of not getting into any relationship with girls, knows that it was all a lie... it was all because of bob, the big brother bob, the smokin biker!

but the story was never actually true... 'big bob was actually not being dump, the girl is a bad girl! he was actually getting a revenge and tries to get his right!' ..... this is what his friends says about him. they love him, they cared for him, he was a good rock n' roll man. his style may irritates some but his way was the best and an example for many. few people can be like him. 

there are some girls who hated him, but most love him. yeahh, he never really cared much about girls, but he never tries to play them around. he was a fool but he was not a loser to girls. 'poor bob, he must be really shock getting his first love being like that', they say.  

the stories goes on and on....they say a lot of things about bob, the good and the bad, it never end though many years had past by, the story start to fate on the memories and most rockers are labels as not seriously interested in getting a relationship with girls, and as the time goes by,   the version of the story started to sound like a rocker usually were been left out or dump by their girlfriend because of their rockin lifestyle.  as the statement goes, and people believe it as true, since actually bob did been left out by a girl....

meet bob the biker..

they say rocker usually were been left out or dump by their girlfriend because of their rockin lifestyle.  as the statement goes, its all rooted by a story of a rocker...... Big Bob.

a rocker who likes to ride his big motorcycle. most people knows him as ... big brother bob, the smokin biker! everyone knows him. no girl will not go crazy over him unless she is a 'real' crazy girl. but bob didn't interested much in girls. he was more on ... rock n'roll lifestyle and being a biker...

the rocker respect him for that, but some girls hated him for the same reason.... there were many stories about bob, but nothing was about him being in love or getting a breakout. he is the mother of all virgins!

but one day, came a big news about him being dump by a girl... everybody were shock! they don't believe it! most of  them laughed to hear such rumours! but then when they saw the picture of bob, staying in a lock up with only a peace of paper to cover himself...they start to wonder.

when asked, he looks confuse and can only mumble and heard saying 'she left me'...'she trick me'...'she was making fun of me'...they even believe the news that says he had gone insane! its because he was  seen running naked while chasing the girl that left him! until the police caught him lying tiredly on the road ...  and jail him because of that....

if you have heard the story of a rocker style of not getting into any relationship with girls, knows that it was all a lie... it was all because of bob, the big brother bob, the smokin biker!


a notice..

hey there,it's me, mr.rock again.

because of some particular reason (like the feeling of curiosity about the status of this blog) i decided to state the intention of the existence of this blog..wouwhh, this sound serious...nehhh, it's not. so here are my reasons...

1. reason  ...
this blog was actually for the purpose of a trial, to see the functions and elements of creating a blog. it also intended to test the culture of blogging among its user and how they believe a relation and its manner of interacting should be done... and everthing else, how to connects, how blogging effect them and bla..blaa....wouhhh, this is to much of an educational motives..

2. reasoning ....
... it also serve as a medium to share and do a lot of other stuffs when human get bored of doing the same thing... we won't get far in life by doing the same thing, and we all won't always be lucky and be safe at the position that we have, so babeh .. by a gutsy feeling and a rock n' roll spirit that the author had, this blog has been created...yeahhh!!!

3. reasoning again ...
for the lil'girl. this is just a usual personal blog, it was not meant for public .. but it's open for everyone. it's just for fun, the whole idea was that simple. reasoning again and again? ....
this is for other time. hahahaah..yeah....

the author..that's me, mr.rock, welcomes any comments, complains, critics or any opinions given by anybody who by magic or somehow by luck, met this blog. be it a feeling of irritations, discriminations, the high above feelings, the i'm better you are not, i'm not in this kind of stuff, this is wrong, or this is all stupid, it's boring and etc.. everybody is welcome to share their feeling...( but come'on man, you got to act better than that )

as i said, this is a trial, hate it, or like it, or whatever you feel deep down inside.. you are all welcome here. positive critics, comments and suggestions are most welcome, a praise was to much, negative thoughts are still ok.

peace man, ...yeah


the make up

being a rocker needed certain identifications to make us look different and having the feeling of self confident.

a rocker had a certain 'code' when dressing. the style of a rocker had gone worldwide and international. the branding was  about building an image that last on the eyes of the followers of the music. so what do you need to get the right image? here the thing....

1. wearing a pair of jeans ... everyone seems to wear them, did that mean that they rock? yeah, you can say like that. but the rock music styles has made fashion of wearing them to the next level. it brings people to be extremely creative... some people like it so much, they decided to wear the same jeans for a week without even having them washed!! but that was not about being a rocker... that was about being lazy...

2. a good ride ... i'm talking about riding a copper or a harley davidson. the kind that's big and also brings the feeling of  control in yourself... just make sure you got enough money to pay for them...

to get the full specification of a rocker image, you now can start surfing the internet and getting yourself closer to look as one. another thing that you can do is to find yourself a self image adviser, it will cost you more but you will see the different of yourself... just remember that whatever that we wear, our styles must be balance by a good manner.

if you decide to change your image just because girls just love it...that mean that you just miss the point of being a real 'rocker'...  

a rocker? a loser?!!!

some people think that being a rocker is like being a loser.. well that was so untrue! most people seems to forget that a real rocker were mostly humble and like to be, a bit low profile...

many of them were actually big names and are so famous! people know them, but most of them like to live a decent humble life...they don't like to be to proud of their talent and success, because being a true rocker means you are following the rules of the great rock n'roll music....yeahhh!!!!

so here is some of the big names for those who are,  in a way,  related to 'rock' ...

1. The Rock ...do you like wrestling? WWF? then you should remember him..

2. Rocky balboa ... he's a world champion boxer! he got a big heart inside of him...

3. Elvis ... what? he is the king of rock n' roll!!  man, what did they teached children these days...

4. the beatles. yeah .... they got big influence of the whole idea of  'rocking' a music...

5. wonder girls .... i know, you must be wondering,  why? ... but actually, they 'rock' too...

... and of course there are a lot more people that i didn't mention here. the thing is, being a rocker didn't say anything of being a loser. if you feel that you are being a loser... start learning to be a true rocker...yeah man!!  

A rocker?

A rocker? how can i identify a real rocker guy and those who are not? well.. that comes to a lot of people mind nowadays...its the new era but the rock music was still at it's very best. everywhere people were just like waiting for the revolutions of musics and trends to go back to the time when high note's song was a challenge! when shouting were beautiful at the hand of the gifted!  

most youngsters were quite left out on this matter. they get jealous to see women all over the world go crazy when they see a rocker standing at the side of a road. some of them can't even differentiate between a real rocker and a real crazy guy on the street!

so here's the tips for you guys to identify a real rocker and a faker..or a baggers..

1. a real rocker says no to drug! a drug addicts is a drug addicts, no matter what kind of music he or she likes to hear. one can love hindi's song so much but still being addicted to drug..

2. a real rocker keep himself clean! come on..what a lame excuse for not taking a bath or shaving those hair under your armpit! real rocker were actually quite sensitive about self hygiene. most of them used shampoo twice a week..

3. a real rocker do have feelings!  everyone cries...everyone needed to feel love.. why do bias just because we look more tough or sexier...

4. a real rock were not anti-religion! yeah, real rocker believe in god..because those who don't will go to hell..

... so that was just a bit about a real rocker that you should know. a simple guideline just to identify those who are a real rocker and the one that looks like them but not...so, let's rock n' roll babeh! yeahhh!....

the reason..

my name is mr.rock n' roll. it's not my real name..but you can still call me mr.rock.. and actually, i don't have an image as a rocker or anything related to it, but i just like the music... so does the other genre of musics...

the reason i created this blog was simple..i promise someone that i will create a blog of my self. and because i'm a man who likes to keep his promise, specially to a sweet little girl... though i prefer making promise to a woman.. but what the heck, a promise is a promise ( i don't want the little girl to cry ).

i was actually to lazy to get into this kind of stuff, but then after a lot of thinking to myself  ( and of course giving a lot of reason too ), i decided to try it out, just to get the basic of  it. i try it out and ....wow! it was easy. even a small child can do it.. i feel proud!

so.. there you go! you know my name is mr.rock, and  my reason of creating a blog is for a promise.